The Good Samaritans of Eastern Michigan 

Our Mission 
The Good Samaritans of Eastern Michigan will strive to provide food, clothing, household goods and other necessities of life. Also to the best of our ability the support and prayer for all who ask.

Our Patrons

We Would Like To Thank The Following

Thank You to Elba United Methodist Church for supporting us in so many ways. Whether it's collecting school supplies, personal care items or just plain cash to keep us on the road bringing food in for the community, your support has been unflagging for years. You are truly a blessing to the community and to the Good Samaritans.

Thank You to Hicks Dairy Farm for their continued support. We have received meat, milk and eggs from them and they always notify us when they have extra food to distribute. We ask those who support us to also support them. There is no better food than farm fresh.

Andy's Quality Market has donated food and supported us in our ornament campaign to raise money to purchase food. This is the kind of community support that deserves patronage from our clients.

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